Strategic Command Center for Combating WMD (SCC-WMD)
Strategic Command Center for Combating WMD (SCC-WMD)U.S. Strategic CommandBiography
The SCC-WMD advises combatant commands on WMD-related matters, provides critical planning expertise and develops recommendations to reduce vulnerabilities and improve Department of Defense effectiveness in combating WMD.
Given the direct working relationship between combatant commands responsible for the WMD mission and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) technical and operational mission expertise, the Center was established in 2005 at DTRA’s Fort Belvoir location. On January 31, 2006, the DTRA Director was also designated as the Director for the SCC-WMD.
In Feb. 2012 the Standing Joint Force Headquarters for Elimination (SJFHQ-E) was established under the command of the SCC-WMD Deputy Director. SJFHQ-E provides geographic combatant commanders the planning, intelligence and operational capability required in the event that they need to eliminate a foreign nation’s WMDs and WMD programs.
DTRA, the SCC-WMD and the SJFHQ-E all have technically different roles in the counter-WMD mission area but they are located together to leverage the most out of the available resources and mission capabilities.
Editor’s Picks: Select articles related to the SCC-WMD. Links may lead to external sites.
- DoD Units Recognized for Role in Syrian Chemical Weapon Disposal (Nov 2014)
- BSL 3 Research Laboratory Opens in Kazakhstan (Aug 2014)
- Mission Accomplished for MV Cape Ray (Aug 2014)
- DTRA, SCC-WMD Director Statement to Senate Armed Services Committee (Apr 2013)
- SCC-WMD to Celebrate 8th Anniversary (Aug 2013)
- DoD Counter-WMD Partnership Building Support Contract (Aug 2013)
- DTRA/SCC-WMD Joint Training Overview (Aug 2012)
- How DTRA/SCC-WMD is Minimizing the Risk of Catastrophic Accidents (Jul 2012)
- MRIGlobal Wins CBRN Mobile Lab Contract (Mar 2012)
- DTRA/SCC-WMD Biodefense Algorithm Challenge (Dec 2012)
- SCC-WMD Fact Sheet (Dec 2011)