Defenders of fusion centers hit back at senate panel’s criticisms | Changes in select agent rules concern public health labs | Taking up the fight against ‘superbugs’ | Bioethics Commission Report on Genomics and Privacy | Development of 2 tests for rapid diagnosis of resistance to antibiotics | Grand Challenges: TB vaccine accelerator grant opportunity | Aeras signs agreement with GSK to jointly advance TB vaccine | Biologists describe new mechanism for molecular interactions | Feds: old potato behind Utah home brew botulism | Genetic sleuthing uncovers deadly new virus in Africa | Germ killing protein in eyes could lead to new antimicrobial drugs | Protecting civilian emergency responders against anthrax | DTRA program working on unique chem-bio defense projects | Jordan plays down presence of U.S. chemical-response troops | Majority of US Schools not ready for next pandemic | Experts ponder H5N1 research moratorium issues
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on topics like select agent rule changes, TB vaccine grants, home-brew botulism, emergency responder anthrax protection and more…
Defenders of fusion centers hit back at senate panel’s criticisms (NTI GSN)
Changes in select agent rules concern public health labs (CIDRAP)
Taking up the fight against ‘superbugs’ (UCLA Today)
Bioethics Commission Report on Genomics and Privacy (
Development of 2 tests for rapid diagnosis of resistance to antibiotics (EurekAlert)
Grand Challenges: TB vaccine accelerator grant opportunity (Gates Foundation)
Aeras signs agreement with GSK to jointly advance TB vaccine (PRNewswire)
Biologists describe new mechanism for molecular interactions (Brookhaven)
Feds: old potato behind Utah home brew botulism (Seattle Times)
Genetic sleuthing uncovers deadly new virus in Africa (EurekAlert)
Germ killing protein in eyes could lead to new antimicrobial drugs (UC Berkeley)
Protecting civilian emergency responders against anthrax (DomPrep)
DTRA program working on unique chem-bio defense projects (BioPrepWatch)
Jordan plays down presence of U.S. chemical-response troops (NTI GSN)
Majority of US Schools not ready for next pandemic, SLU researchers say (SLU)