The Department of Defense today announced several notable contract awards related to the field of chemical and biological medical countermeasures:
Sanofi Pasteur VaxDesign Corporation of Orlando, Fla., is being awarded a $15,106,789 cost-plus fixed-fee, incrementally-funded contract for research and development services for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) to further optimize and utilize the invitro biomimetic immune system.
The contract award to VaxDesign was a direct response to DTRA’s Chemical-Biological Broad Agency Announcement. Work will be performed in Orlando, Fla., and at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (UASAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Md., and is expected to be completed March 24, 2017. Fiscal 2012 Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation funds in the amount of $1,406,191 will be used to incrementally fund this effort at award. The contracting activity is Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Fort Belvoir, Va., (HDTRA1-13-C-0011).
Nanotherapeutics Inc., of Alachua, Fla., was awarded a $135,834,018 cost-plus-fixed-fee incrementally-funded contract by the U.S. Army. The increment is worth $70,882,379. The award will provide for the research and development services in support of medical countermeasure capabilities. Work will be performed in Alachua, with an estimated completion date of March 19, 2015. The bid was solicited through the Internet, with two bids received. The Army Contracting Command, Natick, Mass., is the contracting activity (W911QY-13-C-0010).
Source: Department of Defense