H7N9 situation and CDC response update | Pathogen turns protein into a virulence factor in one easy step | Transparency unlocked: More new Saudi coronavirus cases reported quickly | After hesitating, Kansas House panel Oks bonds for national biodefense lab | Texas A&M takes on malaria with incredible results | Presidential science advisor defends NSF grant selection process | Biodefense – The threat, the cost and the priority | Ricin case moves forward | Hawaii E.coli outbreak offers lessons on challenges of epidemiology | Signatures of the past: Release of plague in 1940 Manchuria | Officials prepare for another flu pandemic – just in case | PharmaThene’s bioscavenger binds to broad spectrum of nerve agents | Novel adenovirus acute respiratory outbreak evidence of coincident human infection | International group settles on name for new coronavirus | Disc drive: researchers make case for HIV diagnosis by DVD | 160+ free online public health courses | Scientists map all possible drug-like chemical compounds | Footwear safety reflector technology getting new life detecting biothreats |Groups take next H7N9 vaccine step amid questions about summer spread
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on topics like novel coronavirus, H7N9, Kansas biodefense lab, ricin letter prosecution and more…
H7N9 situation and CDC response update (CDC)
Pathogen turns protein into a virulence factor in one easy step (ASM)
Transparency unlocked: More new Saudi coronavirus cases reported quickly (Wired)
After hesitating, Kansas House panel Oks bonds for national biodefense lab (KansasCity)
Texas A&M takes on malaria with incredible results (BioNewsTexas)
Presidential science advisor defends NSF grant selection process (Science Insider)
Biodefense – The threat, the cost and the priority (DomPrep)
Ricin case moves forward (NTI GSN)
Hawaii E.coli outbreak offers lessons on challenges of epidemiology (FSN)
Signatures of the past: Release of plague in 1940 Manchuria (Operational Biosurveillance)
Officials prepare for another flu pandemic – just in case (NPR)
PharmaThene’s bioscavenger binds to broad spectrum of nerve agents (PRNewswire)
Novel adenovirus acute respiratory outbreak coincident human infection (mBio)
International group settles on name for new coronavirus (Science Insider)
Disc drive: researchers make case for HIV diagnosis by DVD (The Guardian)
160+ free online public health courses (MPH Program List)
Scientists map all possible drug-like chemical compounds (DukeToday)
Footwear safety reflector technology getting new life detecting biothreats (ACS)
Groups take next H7N9 vaccine step amid questions about summer spread (CIDRAP)