Camels’ role in MERS contagion questioned | WHO report details why Ebola hit West Africa so hard | Protection from flu vaccination reduced this season | Nanopore sensor for botulinum toxin detection | Report maps complex challenges to Ebola vaccine efforts | Working globally to improve disease diagnostics | Scotland’s gray seals harbor common human pathogen | Control, eliminate, eradicate a disease: What’s the difference? | New analysis challenges arguments for repealing tax on medical devices | Insurers thankful for reauthorization of TRIA | FY 2015 R&D appropriation now in the books | Ebola vaccines move closer to ultimate test | Opinion: Stop subsidizing big pharma | UD laboratory works with Army to detect dangerous chemicals | Vaccinating healthcare workers: Ethics and strategic behavior | We need new antibiotics to beat superbugs, but why are they so hard to find? | Draft road map for Ebola vaccine development | NIH institute puts squeeze on flush investigators | Revisiting the anthrax attacks 13 years later | Method identifies elusive antigens
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on botulinum toxin detection, pathogens in seals, Ebola vaccine obstacles and more…
Camels’ role in MERS contagion questioned (The Scientist)
WHO report details why Ebola hit West Africa so hard (NPR)
Protection from flu vaccination reduced this season (CDC)
Nanopore sensor for botulinum toxin detection (Nanowerk)
Report maps complex challenges to Ebola vaccine efforts (CIDRAP)
Working globally to improve disease diagnostics (Armed with Science)
Scotland’s gray seals harbor common human pathogen (Science)
Control, eliminate, eradicate a disease: What’s the difference? (NPR)
New analysis challenges arguments for repealing tax on medical devices (NY Time)
Insurers thankful for reauthorization of TRIA (Homeland Security News Wire)
FY 2015 R&D appropriation now in the books (FLC Newslink)
Ebola vaccines move closer to ultimate test (Science Insider)
Opinion: Stop subsidizing big pharma (NY Times)
UD laboratory works with Army to detect dangerous chemicals (University of Delaware)
Vaccinating healthcare workers: Ethics and strategic behavior (Eurosurveillance)
We need new antibiotics to beat superbugs, but why are they so hard to find? (Conversation)
Draft road map for Ebola vaccine development (Wellcome Trust)
NIH institute puts squeeze on flush investigators (Science Insider)
Revisiting the anthrax attacks 13 years later (Bifurcated Needle)