The U.S. Department of Defense is seeking a commercial chemical and biological agent decontaminant for use on hardened military equipment in operational environments.
The Product Manager for the Decontamination Family of Systems, under the Joint Project Manager for Protection (JPM P), has released a draft Request for Proposals (RFP) outlining requirements for the Joint General Purpose Decontaminant for Hardened Military Equipment (JGPD-HME).
JGPD-HME is required to provide thorough decontamination capabilities for tactical vehicles, shipboard surfaces, crew-served weapons and individual weapons exposed to chemical and biological (CB) agent contamination.
The decontaminant will be applied directly to the contaminated surface and be capable of reducing or neutralizing CB contamination within 30 minutes of application. The product will be applied with fielded decontamination applicators, such as mops and brushes, and M26 Joint Service Transportable Decontamination System Small-Scale (JSTDS-SS) and M12A1 Power Driven Decontamination Apparatus, or other existing multiple-use applicator systems.
The product must be easily opening while wearing MOPP 4 protective gear, and not present any uncontrollable hazards to personnel and equipment during storage, transport, or operations.
Potential offerors are required to provide performance test data on relevant materials against live biological warfare agents (e.g. Bacillus anthracis) and chemical surety agents (e.g. Nerve-G, Nerve-V and Blister-H) while being applied in an operationally relevant manner.
Proposals must additionally detail contact and vapor efficacy data to show compliance with chemical efficacy requirements as outlined in the RFP.
Further details are available via Solicitation Number: W911QY16R0001. Comments and feedback on the draft RFP must be submitted by Aug. 19, 2015.