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CWMD/MCDC Winter Medical & WMD Countermeasure Symposium
February 20 - February 21
The CWMD/MCDC: 2024 Winter Medical & WMD Countermeasure Symposium will be held 20-21 February 2024 in Baltimore, Maryland.
Hosted by the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Consortium (CWMD) and the Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC), the event will feature sessions to interact with leads from key programs, for example:
- JPEO Futures
- Joint Project Leads (JPL) PL Enabling Biotechnologies (EB)
- Joint Project Managers (JPM) Special Operations Forces (SOF)
- Joint Project Managers (JPM) Protection
Poster Registration Deadline is 14 February.
The Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Consortium is a well-established community of industry, academia and government focused on rapid prototyping and maturing countering WMD efforts and CBRNE hazard awareness. Through an Other Transaction Agreement with the JPEO-CBRND (Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense), the CWMD Consortium is accomplishing the counter WMD related prototyping needs of any federal agency.
The CWMD scope spans development of PPE, detection systems, sensors, other protection needs, and situational awareness. These address consequence management/hazard mitigation; threats/vulnerabilities awareness and counter-proliferation technologies/capabilities; arms control technologies; experimentation of emerging technologies and CBRNE technologies to deliver capabilities to the warfighter.
The Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC) is a well-established community of industry, academia, and government focused on rapid prototyping and maturing medical countermeasures to prevent, detect and treat exposure to CBRN threats. Through an Other Transaction Agreement with the JPEO-CBRND (Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense), the MCDC is developing life-saving medical pharmaceutical, diagnostics and therapeutics to safe-guard and enhance the mission effectiveness of our soldiers.
The MCDC scope spans development of medical countermeasure prototypes to include vaccines (COVID-19, Marburg, Ebola, VEE, VEEV, Botulinum, etc.), therapeutics (COVID-19, SNAPP, small molecule antivirals, OPNAs, Smallpox, MDR Bacterial bio threat pathogens, Tularemia, etc.), detection/diagnostics (Meliodiosis, Plague, CRISPR-based, man-portable diagnostics systems, antibody platforms, etc.), autoinjectors (Scopolamine, Naloxone, Diazepam, etc.) and other needs.
Please visit the Medical CBRN Defense Consortium site for more information or register here for the CWMD/MCDC Winter Medical & WMD Countermeasure Symposium.