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Virtual Event Virtual Event

Frameworks for Assessing Dual-Use Potential in Bioeconomy Research- Scenario Discussions

January 21 - January 23

Virtual Event Virtual Event

This meeting is part of the Biological Threats in the Age of the Bioeconomy – A Workshop Series.

Existing biosafety and biosecurity policies and frameworks, which are focused on pathogens and toxins, may not address concerns associated with advances in research and development of bioeconomy-relevant biotechnologies and biomanufacturing. This meeting will discuss existing frameworks and their relationship to the participating countries.

The meeting is limited to participants with citizenship/nationality in the following countries:  Mexico, Peru, Argentina, India, and the United States.

Learn more and register at the National Academies’ Adapting Frameworks for Assessing Dual-Use Potential in Bioeconomy Research Workshop #4 page.


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
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