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WHO Executive Board Meeting

January 22, 2024 - January 27, 2024

Virtual Event Virtual Event

The World Health Organization will convene the 154th session of the WHO Executive Board in Geneva from 22-27 January 2024.

The Executive Board is composed of 34 technically qualified members elected for three-year terms. The annual Board meeting is held in January when the members agree upon the agenda for the World Health Assembly (scheduled for May 2024) and the resolutions to be considered by the Health Assembly, including the 2025-2028 Programme of Work, sustainable financing, and global health emergency priorities and processes.

Highlighted agenda items (links below) include the Draft Global Action Plan for Infection Prevention and Control; Immunization Agenda; Antimicrobial resistance operational priorities 2025-2035; Smallpox eradication: destruction of variola virus stocks; Public health emergencies: preparedness and response; Strengthening the global architecture for health emergency preparedness, prevention and response and resilience.

Proceedings will be webcast and recorded for on-demand viewing.

The Executive Board

Chair and Officers of the Executive Board

Composition of the Executive Board

Provisional agenda

EB154/1 (annotated)
Provisional agenda (annotated)

Report of the regional committees to the Executive Board

Report of the Standing Committee on Health Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response

Universal health coverage

Follow-up to the political declaration of the third high-level meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
Prevention and management of noncommunicable diseases, promotion of mental health and well-being, and treatment and care of mental health conditions

Draft global action plan for infection prevention and control
Draft global action plan and monitoring framework

EB154/8 Add.1
Draft global action plan on infection prevention and control
Draft global action plan and monitoring framework: minimum requirements for IPC programmes at national and health care facility levels

Immunization Agenda 2030
Progress towards global immunization goals and implementation of the Immunization Agenda 2030

End TB Strategy
Progress in implementing the global strategy and targets for tuberculosis prevention, care and control after 2015 (the End TB Strategy)

Road map for neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030

Acceleration towards the Sustainable Development Goal targets for maternal health and child mortality

Antimicrobial resistance: accelerating national and global responses
WHO strategic and operational priorities to address drug-resistant bacterial infections in the human health sector, 2025–2035

WHO’s work in health emergencies
Public health emergencies: preparedness and response

WHO’s work in health emergencies
Strengthening the global architecture for health emergency preparedness, prevention and response and resilience

Implementation of resolution WHA75.11 (2022)

Global Health and Peace Initiative

Poliomyelitis eradication

Polio transition planning and polio post-certification

Smallpox eradication: destruction of variola virus stocks

Social determinants of health
Progress of the World Report on Social Determinants of Health Equity

Well-being and health promotion

Climate change, pollution and health
Impact of chemicals, waste and pollution on human health

Climate change and health

Financing and implementation of the Programme budget 2022–2023 and outlook on financing of the Programme budget 2024–2025

Draft fourteenth general programme of work

EB154/29 Rev.1
Sustainable financing: WHO investment round

Matters emanating from the Agile Member States Task Group on Strengthening WHO’s Budgetary, Programmatic and Financing Governance
Secretariat implementation plan on reform

Matters emanating from the Agile Member States Task Group on Strengthening WHO’s Budgetary, Programmatic and Financing Governance
Strengthening WHO’s budgetary, programmatic and financing governance: follow-up to the implementation of decision EB152(15) (2023)

EB154/33 Add.1
Matters emanating from the Agile Member States Task Group on Strengthening WHO’s Budgetary, Programmatic and Financing Governance
Proposals for improving the effectiveness of the WHO Governing bodies

EB154/33 Add.2
Matters emanating from the Agile Member States Task Group on Strengthening WHO’s Budgetary, Programmatic and Financing Governance
Project plan: implementation of digital solutions for interactions between the Secretariat and Member States on matters related to the governing bodies

EB154/33 Add.3
Matters emanating from the Agile Member States Task Group on Strengthening WHO’s Budgetary, Programmatic and Financing Governance
Cost recovery mechanisms for voluntary contributions – an update

Matters emanating from the Agile Member States Task Group on Strengthening WHO’s Budgetary, Programmatic and Financing Governance

EB154/34 Add.1
Matters emanating from the Agile Member States Task Group on Strengthening WHO’s Budgetary, Programmatic and Financing Governance
Follow-up to decision WHA69(8) (2016), operative paragraph (10)

EB154/34 Add.2
Matters emanating from the Agile Member States Task Group on Strengthening WHO’s Budgetary, Programmatic and Financing Governance
Proposed methodology for costing new initiatives/programmes

Engagement with non-State actors
Report on the implementation of the Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors

Engagement with non-State actors
Non-State actors in official relations with WHO

EB154/37 Add.1
Financial and administrative implications for the Secretariat of decisions proposed for adoption by the Executive Board

Nomination and appointment of Regional Directors
Process for the election of Regional Directors

Provisional agenda of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly

Report on meetings of expert committees and study groups
Report by the Director-General

EB154/50 Add.1
Report on meetings of expert committees and study groups
Expert advisory panels and committees and their membership


World Health Organization
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