The military gave a heads up to contractors this week by announcing it intends to release a Draft Request for Proposal (RFP) in approximately two weeks for the Global Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear High Yield Explosives (CBRNE) and Force Protection Defense Systems Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) services effort.
The CBRNE CLS services are for operation, maintenance and supply support of highly complex systems for detection, mounted and dismounted reconnaissance, individual and collective protection, decontamination, and force protection against CBRNE threats for the military services and other government organizations operating in the U.S. and abroad. These locations include but are not limited to Europe, Korea, Afghanistan, Kuwait and other Southwest Asia locations.
Systems covered under this support contract include the Joint Biological Point Detection System (JBPDS), Biological Identification Detection System (BIDS), Joint Biological Standoff Detection System (JBSDS), Joint Portal Shield (JPS), Joint Nuclear Biological Chemical Reconnaissance System 2 (JNBCRS2), and Advanced Threat – Dismounted Reconnaissance System (AT-DRS), and the Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Reconnaissance System (NBCRS) Fox M93 Series.
The contracting effort is managed by the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD), Joint Project Manager for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Contamination Avoidance (JPM NBC CA). Full details are available under Solicitation Number: W911SR-12-R-0008.
The government intends to conduct a pre-solicitation conference approximately two weeks after release of the draft RFP at the Edgewood Area of Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.