Canada adopts new federal food safety law | US plans for new H5N1 science reviews ruffle researchers | The DoD and biosurveillance | Pollen: can human’s seasonal bane become a tool to fight disease? | Army biologist developing next-generation tools for soldiers | Lighting up chickens to prevent bird flu pandemics | Polio’s last stand? | NIH has no plans to bring back third grant submission | World AIDS day 2012: closing in on global HIV targets | Visa increase for foreign scientists wins tenuous victory in House | Mosquitoes as involuntary bioterrorists | Emerging vector-borne diseases create new public health challenges | Former CDC directors urge adequate funding for public health | Sources of E. coli are not always what they seem
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on topics like H5N1 research rules, mosquitos as bioterrorists, public health funding and more…
Canada adopts new federal food safety law (Food Safety News)
The DoD and biosurveillance (Armed With Science)
Army biologist developing next-generation tools for soldiers (RDECOM)
Lighting up chickens to prevent bird flu pandemics (Huffington Post)
World AIDS day 2012: closing in on global HIV targets (WHO)
Visa increase for foreign scientists wins tenuous victory in House (Nature)
Mosquitoes as involuntary bioterrorists (Vanderbilt University)
Emerging vector-borne diseases create new public health challenges (UC Santa Cruz)
Former CDC directors urge adequate funding for public health (Food Safety News)
Sources of E. coli are not always what they seem (USDA ARS News)