The NATO Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander (HQ SACT) has reissued a Request for Information (RFI) to support establishment of a NATO Standard CBRN Sensor Interface. The purpose of the RFI is to aid collaboration on common standards for CBRN sensors in order to achieve greater interoperability between sensors and allied command and control systems.
HQ SACT describes the ability of CBRN defense forces to react rapidly to the military needs for the detection of CBRN hazards as being hampered by the lack of electronic interoperability of sensors. Sensors have been developed independently, with a specific set of requirements, by product vendors without a common baseline set of electronic standards. Naturally, this procurement process has led to a vast variety of software interfaces.
The aim of the project is to provide technical knowledge, expertise, and recommendations to the NATO members and partners participating in the NATO CBRN Communications Information Systems and Warning and Reporting Panel. This effort will first conduct a survey and identify a common standard, then work to establish a NATO Standard CBRN Sensor Interface that enables CBRN sensor interoperability, net centric operations, and ease of integration into Command and Control (C2) Systems.
By collaborating in the information sharing, industry will be able to participate at an early stage in identifying a common data standard. This will also afford industry an improved awareness of NATO requirements in this arena.
Organizations interested in responding to the RFI are invited to provide answers to questions surrounding the status of existing data standards, architecture frameworks and protocols used to transmit sensor information and how these might be utilized by the NATO effort.
Further information is available under Solicitation Number: RFI-ACT-SACT-12-02. The new response deadline is January 11, 2013.