The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Chemical and Biological Technologies Department is seeking an on-line venue for funded science to be published employing a video presentation format.
The initiative seeks to use visualization of information to increase reproducibility and transparency of funded projects in the medical, non-medical, and physical science research arenas of chemical and biological defense.
Organizations with experience in executing and administering a peer reviewed, indexed, scientific journal using a video presentation format are invited to respond.
Possible responsibilities include: establishment and oversight of an editorial board and an editorial advisory board to include its membership with input from the government; oversight of support staff to include web design, administrators, and project analysts as appropriate; and provision of appropriate staff to edit proposed articles prior to scripting and videotaping.
Information is also being sought on respondents capable of establishing and maintaining an on-line channel from an existing site for the journal.
Further details on this RFI are available under Solicitation Number HDTRA1-13-RFI-CBC-VIDJOU. The response deadline is February 13, 2013.