The United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA), Fort Detrick, MD intends to issue a sole source to Qiagen Inc.
“The purchase of the required supplies from Qiagen is vital to continuing ongoing research work at USAMRIID. Qiagen reagents and instrumentation is at the core of sample preparation for DSD and other supported divisions at USAMRIID. Many protocols, SOPs, and collaborators dictate the use of Qiagen reagents for documented and approved standards,” states the announcement.
“Diagnostics Systems Division (DSD) is tasked with supporting sample preparation and PCR analysis of numerous sample types in accordance with standards, protocols, and instrumentation used both internally and by external collaborators. DSD is in need of a wide breadth of sample prep kits that are comparable within the same manufacturing standards/buffers and for use in complimenting automated systems.”
Minimal Essential Characteristics for the reagents to be procured for DSD are listed as follows:
HotStar DNA Polymerase (250U) – Must support highly specific PCR and tolerate room-temperature handling. Must include complimenting PCR buffers and Q-Solution for GC rich DNAs. Must be consistent with established and standardized MassCode PCR protocols.
dNTP Mix, PCR Grade (200uL) – Must function with PCR and RT-PCR reactions and be of high purity. Must be provided at 100mM concentration. Must be consistent with established and standardized MassCode PCR protocols.
Multiplex PCR Kit (100 RXNs) – Must be highly specific and sensitive and require no optimization. Must have built-in hot start. Must include Q-Solution. Must be consistent with established and standardized MassCode PCR protocols.
MinElute PCR Purification Kit (250 RXN) – Must be capable of purifying DNA greater than 70 basepairs using silica-based columns. DNA binding must be at least 5 ug, and the elution volume must be 10-15 ul. Eluted DNA must be compatible for sequencing, ligation reactions, restriction digest, microarray, and PCR and standard tabletop microcentrifuges.
Rneasy MinElute Cleanup Kit (50) – Must concentrate RNA to 10uL and clean up RNA that has been purified by different methods. Must be able to effectively clean up enzymatic reactions.
EZ1 Virus Mini Kit v2.0 (48 RXN) – Must be capable of purifying both DNA and RNA from virus using the EZ1 automated extraction robot. System must be compatible with serum, plasma, urine, and other bodily fluids.
QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (250 RXN) – Must be capable of purifying DNA up to 50 kb from multiple sample types including viral, bacterial, genomic, parasitic samples from tissue samples using a silica-based column. Purified DNA must be compatable with downstream molecular assays including PCR.
QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (250 RXN) – Must be capable of purifying viral RNA from biological samples including serum and plasma using silica-based columns. Samples must be directly compatible with RT-PCR and standard tabletop microcentrifuges.
EZ1 DNA Tissue Kit (48 RXN) – Must be capable of purifying genomic DNA from tissue and other samples using the EZ1 automated extraction robot.
Genomic DNA Buffer Set – Required for use with the Genomic Tip 500/G columns. Buffers required include buffers to lyse bacteria, yeast, blood, tissue, and cells.
Proteinase K (10 ml at >600 mAU/ml) – Required for use with the Genomic Tip 500/G columns. Reagent must have high activity for protein digestion during DNA and RNA purification.
Genomic Tip 100/G (25 column) – Required for purifying large, intact DNA up to 150 kb in size for whole genome, next generation sequencing. Tips must be gravity flow and purify high-quality genomic DNA.
EZ1 DSP Virus Kit (48 RXNs) – Must be compatible with Qiagen EZ1 automated system. Must have high sensitivity for low titer viruses. Must enable standardized processing.
EZ1 Advanced DSP Virus Card – Must be compatible with Qiagen EZ1 automated system and provide capability to run DSP virus kit protocol.
QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (250 RXNs) – Must be capable of purifying DNA from agarose gels using silica-based columns. Columns must bind DNA up to 10 kb and exclude fragments less than 70 base pairs. System must have a high recovery rate. Eluted DNA must be compatible for sequencing, ligation reactions, restriction digest, and PCR and standard tabletop microcentrifuges.
miRNeasy Mini Kit (50 RXN) – Must purify miRNA and total RNA. Must provide enrichment of miRNA and RNAs less than 200 nucleotides. Must provide high-purity RNA for numerous subsequent applications.
REPLI-g Midi Kit (100 RXN) – This kit must amplify whole genome DNA from small amounts of starting material (>10 ng DNA) using Phi29 polymerase. Amplified DNA must be compatible with PCR, next-generation sequencing, and microarray.
Editor’s Note: While the periodic acquisition of laboratory or field detection equipment is commonplace, we selectively cover these activities for insight into the research, acquisition and mission priorities of CBRN and biodefense related organizations.