Australia withholds location of new biodefense lab | Pakistani city is world’s biggest reservoir of polio viruses | Deadly outbreaks: How medical detectives save lives | Dengue serotype 3 re-emerges in South Pacific | Technical analysts cast doubt on Syrian chemical-strike origin | Discovery may aid vaccine design for common form of malaria | H7N9 hospitalized six more in China | Investigation of inhalation anthrax case in the U.S. | Records reveal U.S. tested bioweapon in Okinawa in 1960s | Sublingual immunization with influenza vaccine | US budget bill restores some funding for public health | Tricky protein may help HIV vaccine development
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on topics like polio reservoirs in Pakistan, testing bioweapons in Okinawa in the 1960s, secret biodefense lab in Australia and more…
Australia withholds location of new biodefense lab (NTI GSN)
Pakistani city is world’s biggest reservoir of polio viruses (Reuters)
Deadly outbreaks: How medical detectives save lives (CDC EID)
Dengue serotype 3 re-emerges in South Pacific (WHO)
Technical analysts cast doubt on Syrian chemical-strike origin (NTI GSN)
Discovery may aid vaccine design for common form of malaria (WUSTL)
H7N9 hospitalized six more in China (CIDRAP)
Investigation of inhalation anthrax case in the U.S. (CDC EID)
Records reveal U.S. tested bioweapon in Okinawa in 1960s (NTI GSN)
Sublingual immunization with influenza vaccine (Science Direct)
US budget bill restores some funding for public health (CIDRAP)
Tricky protein may help HIV vaccine development (Duke University)