Biosurveillance measures bulking up | Study: Growing Guinea outbreak caused by new Ebola strain | New nasal spray offers hope in fighting a flu epidemic | Will pre-alerting responders cut emergency response times? | Saudis report 12 more MERS cases; Greece has its first | Rearming penicillin for the twenty-first century | Measles on a cruise ship: Links with the outbreak in the Philippines | Ebola drug could be ready for human testing next year | BIO calls for adequate funding of vaccine and biodefense programs | Boston debates banning deadliest pathogens from new biolab | Stockpiles of Roche Tamiflu drug are waste of money, review finds | Identifying the most likely non-state chem-bio threats | CDC sees little overall progress on foodborne infections | Guidance for evacuees in disaster zones inspired by ant colonies | New antiviral drug to combat measles outbreaks
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on topics like the new antiviral drug for measles, MERS-CoV spreading to Europe, Boston high-containment lab controversies and more…
Biosurveillance measures bulking up (Armed with Science)
Study: Growing Guinea outbreak caused by new Ebola strain (CIDRAP)
Saudis report 12 more MERS cases; Greece has its first (CIDRAP)
Rearming penicillin for the twenty-first century (HSNW)
Measles on a cruise ship: Links with the outbreak in the Philippines (Eurosurveillance)
Ebola drug could be ready for human testing next year (NPR)
BIO calls for adequate funding of vaccine and biodefense programs (BIOtech Now)
Boston debates banning deadliest pathogens from new biolab (NTI GSN)
Stockpiles of Roche Tamiflu drug are waste of money, review finds (Reuters)
Identifying the most likely non-state chem-bio threats (HSNW)
CDC sees little overall progress on foodborne infections (CIDRAP)
Guidance for evacuees in disaster zones inspired by ant colonies (MNT)