See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on topics like the cancellation of BioWatch Gen3, new smallpox-related virus in Georgia, hacking bioweapon secrets in the cloud and more…
Homeland security cancels plans for new BioWatch technology (LA Times)
Will hackers find bioweapon secrets in the cloud? (FCW)
U.S. biodefense facilities ramp up (Nature)
Key U.S. scientist pushes to hang onto last remaining smallpox virus (NTI GSN)
Ebola: A swift, effective and bloody killer (CNN)
One parasite’s rise amidst the Soviet Union’s decline (Discover)
Threatened pandemics and laboratory escapes: Self-fulfilling prophecies (BOTHAS)
Assad turns last chemical arms into bargaining chips (NTI GSN)
New virus related to smallpox is found in Republic of Georgia (NPR)
Understanding vaccination: The cold chain (Mental Floss)
Why Ebola vaccines don’t reach the people who need them (Foreign Affairs)
Pentagon readies record $11b health care contract bid (Defense One)