See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on topics like the eradication of remaining smallpox virus, social media disaster preparedness, Middle East WMD containment and more…
Antibiotic resistant germs, lying in wait everywhere (NY Times)
German ethics council: Government should regulate dangerous research (Science)
Lebanon has first MERS case; Saudis report 14 more (CIDRAP)
Onset of narcolepsy with pandemic influenza vaccine, Ireland (Eurosurveillance)
Using light to detect trace amounts of explosives (HSNW)
Lawmakers mull biological weapons threat from Russia (Time)
In twist, talks on banning Mideast WMDs shift to Geneva (NTI GSN)
Gulf war soldier takes on MoD over vaccines (BBC News)
Social media preparedness and community disasters (ProMed Network)
Some experts urge eradication of U.S., Russian smallpox stocks (NTI GSN)
Fear the camel: Why a deadly new virus will be so hard to stop (Slate)
Results are promising in clinical trial of dengue fever vaccine (NY Times)
New biodefense centers offer modernized approach, face criticism (HSNW)
Update on Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (WHO)