The Defense Threat Reduction Agency has recently identified all contracts that were awarded under the Chemical and Biological Technologies Department FY 2014 Program Build Broad Agency Announcement: HDTRA1-14-CHEM-BIO-BAA.
The following organizations were awarded funding:
- Clarkson University: Characterization of Particle Interaction with Non-Ideal Surface: Role of particle properties, surface roughness, and humidity $930,568 (January 2014)
- University of South Alabama: Antigenically Defined Vaccines for Immunization $1,728,535 (Feb 2014)
- Exelis, Inc: Chapter 8 Structures, Site Characteristics $739,174 (March 2014)
- Texas A&M: Vaccine Candidate for Q Fever $4,556,064 (April 2014)
- Exelis, Inc: Extending DTRIAC STARS for CB-1 $535,866 (April 2014)
- Applied Research Associates: CB-1 Consequence Assessment $729,627 (April 2014)
- University of Texas at Austin: Surety BioEvent App $2,771,939 (May 2014)
- Leidos: Global Modeling for Influenze Dynamics $3,479,364 (June 2014)
- University of Texas at San Antonio: Development and Characterization of a Novel Vaccine against Tularemia $4,792,055 (June 2014)
- Mapp Biopharmaceuticals: Development of a Broad-Spectrum Monoclonal Cocktail for Prevention of VEEV, WEEV, and EEEV $7,545,000 (June 2014)
- Tulane University: A Broad Spectrum OMV Vaccine against Aerosolized B. Pseudomallei and B. mallei $400,451 (July 2014)
- Evolva SA: The First Oral Antibiotic for the Treatment of Acute Melioidosis and Select Agents $15,110,274 (Aug 2014)
- Kentucky Bioprocessing: Nicotiana rBuCHe – A Cost Effective Countermeasure $3,510,263.47 (Aug 2014)