Ethical considerations of experimental Ebola interventions | Plague outbreak in Madagascar spreads to its capital | CBRN Robotics: Unmanned recon and decon systems needed | DARPA’s synthetic biology work targets diseases, new materials | Moratorium on risky virology studies leaves work at 14 institutions in limbo | ECDC sounds H5N8 warning after another possible outbreak | Proposed rules will vastly expand trove of clinical trial data reported in U.S. | Thousands of Iraq chemical weapons destroyed in open air | Saving lives without new drugs | Mali: Details of the additional cases of Ebola Virus Disease | Gates Foundation to require immediate free access for journal articles | UNMEER Ebola external situation report | War and infectious diseases: Challenges of the Syrian civil war | Researchers develop new acoustic sensor for chemical and biological detection | Ebola, ethics, and public health: What next? | A(H10N7) virus involvement in mass mortality of harbour seals | FSIS considers expanding non-O157 STEC testing | Study hints flu shot effects may last more than one season | Rare vaccine-derived polio discovered in 2 countries | Nebraska patient case raises questions about Ebola test | Bandits in Guinea steal suspected Ebola blood | Few details available about Fort Detrick labs’ biosafety sweeps | Silicon Valley’s earlier effort to stop pandemics like Ebola | Avian flu detected in the Netherlands and Britain | Ebola virus transmission via contact and aerosol — a new paradigm | Bird flu: What threat to humans?
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on CBRN robotics, ethics of experimental Ebola interventions, DARPA’s synthetic biology work and more…
Ethical considerations of experimental Ebola interventions (The Lancet)
Plague outbreak in Madagascar spreads to its capital (NPR)
CBRN Robotics: Unmanned recon and decon systems needed (Cicero)
DARPA’s synthetic biology work targets diseases, new materials (DoD)
Moratorium on risky virology studies leaves work at 14 institutions in limbo (Science Insider)
ECDC sounds H5N8 warning after another possible outbreak (CIDRAP)
Proposed rules will vastly expand trove of clinical trial data reported in U.S. (Science)
Thousands of Iraq chemical weapons destroyed in open air (NY Times)
Saving lives without new drugs (Science)
Mali: Details of the additional cases of Ebola Virus Disease (WHO)
Gates Foundation to require immediate free access for journal articles (Science)
UNMEER Ebola external situation report .pdf (UN)
War and infectious diseases: Challenges of the Syrian civil war (PLOS Pathogens)
Researchers develop new acoustic sensor for chemical and biological detection (Argonne)
Ebola, ethics, and public health: What next? (Annals of Internal Medicine)
A(H10N7) virus involvement in mass mortality of harbour seals (Eurosurveillance)
FSIS considers expanding non-O157 STEC testing (Food Safety News)
Study hints flu shot effects may last more than one season (CIDRAP)
Rare vaccine-derived polio discovered in 2 countries (NY Times)
Nebraska patient case raises questions about Ebola test (USA Today)
Bandits in Guinea steal suspected Ebola blood (ABC News)
Few details available about Fort Detrick labs’ biosafety sweeps (Frederick News-Post)
Silicon Valley’s earlier effort to stop pandemics like Ebola (Fortune)
Avian flu detected in the Netherlands and Britain (NY Times)
Ebola virus transmission via contact and aerosol — a new paradigm (CIDRAP)
Bird flu: What threat to humans? (BBC News)