A tale of two epidemics: media reporting on Ebola | FBI’s investigation of 2001 anthrax attacks was flawed: GAO | US flu activity rises ahead of holiday season | Take-aways from the National Academies’ “gain of function” meeting | New dengue-detecting antibodies | Management of Ebola patients: Key role of isolation units | Preventing a man-made pandemic | Improved suit for Ebola caregivers chosen for funding in federal competition | Preparing for influenza: An H3N2 season with a vaccine mismatch | Endless Ebola epidemic? That’s the ‘risk we face now,’ CDC says | Preventing animal-borne diseases from affecting humans | The JUPITR ATD program – interview with Dr. Peter Emanuel | NCT CBRNe Middle East 2014 post-event report | Soldier uniforms may detect, neutralize biological threats | ISIS and the Ebola epidemic drive significant spending in CBRN market | Report: US unprepared for disease outbreaks despite billions spent | Testing anthrax decontamination techniques | 450 scientists visit Army Research Lab ‘Open Campus’ | Data request slows timetable for Ebola vaccine trial | Aren’t we prepared yet?
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on the H3N2 vaccine mismatch, preventing man-made pandemics, GAO on the 2001 anthrax attacks and more…
A tale of two epidemics: media reporting on Ebola (The Conversation)
FBI’s investigation of 2001 anthrax attacks was flawed: GAO (HSNW)
US flu activity rises ahead of holiday season (CIDRAP)
Take-aways from the National Academies’ “gain of function” meeting (Bifurcated Needle)
New dengue-detecting antibodies (The Scientist)
Management of Ebola patients: Key role of isolation units (Eurosurveillance)
Preventing a man-made pandemic (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists)
Improved suit for Ebola caregivers chosen for funding in federal competition (JHU)
Preparing for influenza: An H3N2 season with a vaccine mismatch (UPMC CHS)
Endless Ebola epidemic? That’s the ‘risk we face now,’ CDC says (NPR)
The JUPITR ATD program – interview with Dr. Peter Emanuel (CBRNe Portal)
Preventing animal-borne diseases from affecting humans (HSNW)
Soldier uniforms may detect, neutralize biological threats (Product Design & Dev)
NCT CBRNe Middle East 2014 post-event report (IB Consultancy)
Report: US unprepared for disease outbreaks despite billions spent (The Hill)
Testing anthrax decontamination techniques (EPA)
450 scientists visit Army Research Lab ‘Open Campus’ (Army.mil)
ISIS and the Ebola epidemic drive significant spending in CBRN market (ASDNews)
Data request slows timetable for Ebola vaccine trial (CIDRAP)
Aren’t we prepared yet? (Bifurcated Needle)