The world could be on the verge of losing a powerful malaria drug | Handheld devices improve bio and chemical threat detection | Ebola vaccines: an uncertain future? | UN team investigates Saudi surge in cases of deadly MERS virus | Ebola response: Detecting the disease | No, a new scientific report does not say that Ebola is now airborne | In Pakistan, vaccinating children for polio is a deadly battle | Assessment of human influenza pandemic scenarios in Europe | Twists, turns and roadblocks lead to promising Ebola vaccine | WHO list of essential Ebola medicines and health products | Los Angeles hospital warns 179 patients possibly exposed to ‘superbug’ | Obama proposes single overseer for food safety | Ebolavirus will not become a respiratory pathogen | Antibiotic prescribing and behaviour change in healthcare settings | Malaria in widening area resists drug, study finds | Smartphone reader for detecting Ebola | Liberia will end Ebola curfew and reopen borders, says president | Wellcome Trust-funded vaccine company acquired by GSK | Role of hospital epidemiologist growing, more resources needed | Biodefence researchers seek ‘Homo chippiens’ | Rapid test for Ebola now available | Texas Ebola quarantine success depended on help with daily needs | A new shot at reducing research red tape
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on malaria drug resistance, handheld chem-bio detectors, food safety federal reorganization proposal and more…
The world could be on the verge of losing a powerful malaria drug (NPR)
Handheld devices improve bio and chemical threat detection (Defense Systems)
Ebola vaccines: an uncertain future? (The Lancet)
UN team investigates Saudi surge in cases of deadly MERS virus (Reuters)
No, a new scientific report does not say that Ebola is now airborne (Vice)
In Pakistan, vaccinating children for polio is a deadly battle (Seattle Times)
Assessment of human influenza pandemic scenarios in Europe (Eurosurveillance)
WHO list of essential Ebola medicines and health products (WHO)
Los Angeles hospital warns 179 patients possibly exposed to ‘superbug’ (Reuters)
Obama proposes single overseer for food safety (NY Times)
Ebolavirus will not become a respiratory pathogen (Virology Blog)
Antibiotic prescribing and behaviour change in healthcare settings (Gov.UK)
Malaria in widening area resists drug, study finds (NY Times)
Smartphone reader for detecting Ebola (MDT)
Liberia will end Ebola curfew and reopen borders, says president (Reuters)
Wellcome Trust-funded vaccine company acquired by GSK (Wellcome Trust)
Role of hospital epidemiologist growing, more resources needed (Healio)
Biodefence researchers seek ‘Homo chippiens’ (Nature)
Rapid test for Ebola now available (Science Insider)
Texas Ebola quarantine success depended on help with daily needs (Reuters)
A new shot at reducing research red tape (Science)