The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is re-competing a contract to support the Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Biological Resources Repository (MID-BRR).
The MID-BRR serves as a central repository that provides one-stop shopping for the broad community of microbiology and infectious diseases researchers.
The Repository receives, acquires, authenticates, produces, preserves, stores and distributes organisms and reagents. Currently, there are 4328 registered users with the repository and over 13,300 unique items in the MID-BRR catalog.
The Repository may also serve as holding for research materials produced by other government-supported research projects and research service programs, at the discretion of NIAID. The selected MID-BRR contractor is expected to interact with these programs as well.
NIAID anticipates making one award for a base year contract with 6 option years. Further details are available via Solicitation Number: RFP-NIAID-DMID-NIHAI2015039. The response deadline is March 30, 2015.