The Global Alliance for Research on Avian Disease (GARAD) conference will be held June 29-July 1, creating global partnerships to bring together the academic community and poultry industry.
The partnership, led by The Pirbright Institute will share and exchange latest research advances, promote collaborations and maximize the use of resources and expertise to progressively control avian diseases around the world.
One of the major challenges for sustainable growth of the poultry industry is the continuing threat from avian diseases. Leading researchers from across the globe with a common vision to establish and sustain a research network will be on hand to discuss the tools to address issues spanning poultry health, welfare and production.
The event, supported by BBSRC, will look at the basic, applied and commercial aspects of research into avian diseases.
To help safeguard future food supply and human health, the meeting will provide a forum for discussion and the exchange of ideas in hope of exploiting available opportunities in the realm of infectious diseases.
“Today’s poultry industry is truly international, and many avian pathogens spread readily without respecting international boundaries. Tackling the disease caused by these pathogens require global collaborative research efforts,” said Professor Venugopal Nair, Head of the Viral Disease program at The Pirbright Institute. “The GARAD conference will be a forum for the international scientific community to work together and share research ideas to bring innovation to improve control strategies in avian health.”
Advance registration is required.