The Defense Threat Reduction Agency Joint Science and Technology Office (DTRA/JSTO) is seeking potential producers of human Butyrylcholinesterase (HuBChE) for use in medical countermeasure development against chemical nerve agents.
Ongoing preclinical bioscavenger programs require high quality HuBChE as a standardized control, yet this protein is only available in limited quantities at high cost.
Therefore, DTRA/JSTO is formally conducting market research in an effort to identify all potential sources with the capability to provide an efficient process for producing highly pure (98%) HuBChE for delivery in the quantity of 1.0 to 1.5 grams per month.
This standardized material will enable ongoing recombinant and catalytic protein medical countermeasures development research.
Further details are available via Solicitation Number: HDTRA1-15-RFI-CBS-0002. The response deadline is September 14, 2015.