4 Pentagon labs face inquiry on handling of deadly germs | Health officials baffled by rise of ‘rabbit fever’ across U.S. West | New polio cases in Ukraine and Mali don’t mean the vaccine is failing | The indirect protection of pneumococcal vaccines | Creating a global health risk framework | Plague outbreak in Madagascar | U.S. makes final an array of rules on food safety | Responding to the Animas River disaster: Who’s testing what? | Grim snapshot reveals complex health issues for Ebola survivors | Reemergent 1977 H1N1 strain and the gain-of-function debate | U.S. military says may have mishandled organism that causes plague | As Saudi MERS total grows, study hints at increased transmissibility | FDA takes important steps in modernizing the food safety system | Agent Orange exposure linked to myeloma precursor risk | West African child is paralyzed by vaccine-derived polio | Device concept could drastically reduce time for infection diagnosis | Using FOIA to read scientists’ emails | Prion research: Could Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s be infectious? | Highly pathogenic avian influenza environmental assessment | Evacuation order lifted for Fukushima town | Cautious optimism as Ebola outbreak cases stay low | Combating emerging threats – Accelerating the availability of medical therapies
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on topics including the gain-of-function debate, Madagascar plague outbreak, and Pentagon biosafety inquiry.
4 Pentagon labs face inquiry on handling of deadly germs (NY Times)
Health officials baffled by rise of ‘rabbit fever’ across U.S. West (Reuters)
New polio cases in Ukraine and Mali don’t mean the vaccine is failing (The Conversation)
The indirect protection of pneumococcal vaccines (Clinicians’ Biosecurity News)
Creating a global health risk framework (NEJM)
Plague outbreak in Madagascar (The Scientist)
U.S. makes final an array of rules on food safety (NY Times)
Grim snapshot reveals complex health issues for Ebola survivors (Scientific American)
Reemergent 1977 H1N1 strain and the gain-of-function debate (mBio)
U.S. military says may have mishandled organism that causes plague (Reuters)
As Saudi MERS total grows, study hints at increased transmissibility (CIDRAP)
Agent Orange exposure linked to myeloma precursor risk (Cancer Network)
West African child is paralyzed by vaccine-derived polio (NY Times)
Device concept could drastically reduce time for infection diagnosis (MDT)
Using FOIA to read scientists’ emails (The Scientist)
Prion research: Could Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s be infectious? (The Conversation)
Highly pathogenic avian influenza environmental assessment (Federal Register)
Evacuation order lifted for Fukushima town (World Nuclear News)
Cautious optimism as Ebola outbreak cases stay low (CIDRAP)
Combating emerging threats – Accelerating the availability of medical therapies (NEJM)