The UK’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) this week announced intentions to fund a single PhD studentship to develop enhanced paper detectors for chemical warfare agents.
Specifically sought are ‘paper-like’ systems that can visually disclose the presence of deposited liquid chemical warfare agents (CWAs) including G- and V-series nerve agents and sulfur mustard.
Researchers with expertise in some or all of the following areas are sought:
- Chemical-stimuli responsive materials (polymers, microcapsules, nanoparticles, etc.)
- Incorporation of responsive components into bulk materials such as polymers or paper
- Development of chemical-responsive systems comprised of more than one responsive component
- Mass transport behavior of liquid in bulk materials
Highly innovative approaches which are significantly different from existing technologies commercially available technologies are sought.
Methods that rely on auxiliary IT equipment/optical readers or swabbing and subsequent down-stream laboratory analysis are excluded from this opportunity.
Initial applications are due October 3, 2016. Those invited to submit full proposals will be notified by October 17, 2016.