The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), through its Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) department, is seeking eligible performers to design and install a new Effluent Treatment System (ETS) at the Kenya Veterinary Vaccine Production Institute/National Veterinary Quality Control Lab (KEVEVAPI/NVQCL).
KEVEVAPI/NVQCL is the national foot and mouth disease (FMD) vaccine producer and a quality control laboratory in Kenya. It is the center of excellence for FMD confirmatory testing and outbreak control which contributes a substantial role in promoting export of animals and animal products, improvement of the livelihood of the smallholder farmers and pastoralists, provision of professional support for investors involved in animal farming and transfer technology for stakeholders.
The current dilapidated ETS facility is incapable of properly treating the waste from animal challenge houses on the property. BTRP is researching for viable solutions to decommission the current ETS and install a new ETS. The commissioning of a new ETS serves as proper pathogen containment capacity at KEVEVAPI/NVQCL, which is an important milestone to reduce the risk of widespread FMD outbreaks from this Especially Dangerous Pathogen (EDP) manufacturing facility.
To achieve its nonproliferation mission, BTRP works collaboratively with partner nations, U.S. Government agencies, and the international community to enhance disease detection, diagnosis, surveillance, and reporting capabilities; develop human resource expertise in public and animal health; promote safe and secure laboratory working environments; and consolidate pathogens of security concern into a minimal number of safe and secure facilities in a sustainable manner.
The U.S. Government invites sources that have the capability to meet parameters detailed in Solicitation Number: HDTRA19316 to respond to the Request for Information.