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The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) agency charged with seeking breakthrough concepts and technologies with broad applicability against threats to national security.…
The Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development (DNN R&D), part of the National Nuclear Security Administration (NISA), develops technical capabilities that improve the detection, identification, and characterization of foreign nuclear weapons development programs; diversion of special nuclear materials; and nuclear detonations.…
The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) is a science and technology center for the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD), employing approximately 3500 personnel including some of the top scientists and engineers in the country.…
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is the intellectual, technical and operational leader for the US Department of Defense (DoD) and the U.S. Strategic Command in the effort to combat biological, chemical and nuclear threats.…
The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) is the primary entity in the U.S. government for implementing nuclear detection efforts for a coordinated response to radiological and nuclear threats, as well as integration of federal nuclear forensics programs.…
The U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) serves as the chemical and biological defense proving ground for the United States. It is in a remote, closed post on nearly 800,000 acres of land in the Great Salt Lake Desert – about 85 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah.…