The U.S. Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity (USAMSSA), in conjunction with the Joint Requirements Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense (JRO-CBRN), is seeking information on potential barrier, resistive, sealant, and strippable products and technologies that could benefit the warfighter by mitigating hazards associated with Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) hazards to include Non-Traditional Agents (NTAs), Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs), and Toxic Industrial Materials (TIMs).
Specifically, USAMSSA is requesting information on protective coatings that when applied to surfaces reduces contamination spread and residual hazard of the threat; sealants which can contain an agent until proper decontamination can be performed; and sacrificial coatings which may be stripped to remove hazard contamination.
Proposed barrier, resistive, sealant, and sacrificial products or technologies will be evaluated for operational relevance and demonstrated utility to meet the warfighter’s needs. Specifically, these products and/or technologies must be at an initial Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 4.
Further information is available under Solicitation Number W911QY-12-CONMIT. The deadline for response is April 10, 2012.