Improving intelligence on emerging bioweapons | Campylobacter screening method holds promise for detecting outbreak source | Book review: Spillover – animal infection and the next human pandemic | Forensic pathology: tracing the origin of the Usustu virus | Plague outbreak in Libya, 2009, unrelated to plague in Algeria | Canadian government suspends all IND Diagnostic medical device licenses | DNA data, security, and you | Smallpox virus detected in 300-year-old Siberian mummy | Select-agent safety reports find little public health risks | New way to test airborne pathogen sensors slated for BioWatch program | U.S. to push for new anthrax vaccine by 2017 | NIH plans to retire chimpanzees from research | Feds give final OK to Boston University’s controversial bio lab | Review finds little evidence of missed H5N1 infections | Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose ‘apocalyptic’ threat | Reliving the nightmare of plague, 10 years on | Ebola virus antibodies in fruit bats, Bangladesh | New device traps particulates, kills airborne pathogens
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on topics like plague in the modern world, select agent safety reporting, Biowatch sensor testing and more…
Improving intelligence on emerging bioweapons (VBC)
Campylobacter screening method holds promise for detecting outbreak source (FSN)
Book review: Spillover – animal infection and the next human pandemic (EID Journal)
Forensic pathology: tracing the origin of the Usustu virus (VetMedUni Vienna)
Plague outbreak in Libya, 2009, unrelated to plague in Algeria (CDC)
CA government suspends all IND Diagnostic medical device licenses (Health Canada)
DNA data, security, and you (MIT Technology Review)
Smallpox virus detected in 300-year-old Siberian mummy (LA Times)
Select-agent safety reports find little public health risks (CIDRAP)
New way to test airborne pathogen sensors slated for BioWatch program (NDIA)
U.S. to push for new anthrax vaccine by 2017 (NTI GSN)
NIH plans to retire chimpanzees from research (Discover)
Feds give final OK to Boston University’s controversial bio lab (
Review finds little evidence of missed H5N1 infections (CIDRAP)
Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose ‘apocalyptic’ threat (The Guardian)
Reliving the nightmare of plague, 10 years on (NY Times)
Ebola virus antibodies in fruit bats, Bangladesh (EID Journal)
New device traps particulates, kills airborne pathogens (ASM)