The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD) Chemical Biological Medical Systems (CBMS) office is seeking to develop portable technologies that confirm, quantify and diagnose the biological effects of radiation exposure.
The Request for Information (RFI) seeks input from companies that are developing applicable biomarkers or biodosimeter devices in order to identify the level of radiation and to inform medical treatment of personnel based on the severity of radiation exposure. CBMS also states interest in developing technologies to quantify internalized radionuclides.
Relevant technologies are being evaluated for their use in the following circumstances:
- -Conduct initial rapid screening to separate personnel with clinically significant exposures that need immediate treatment from those who do not
- -Conduct treatment triage to prioritize patient so that resources (including evacuation assets) can be most effectively utilized
- -Determine treatment based on the total injury (radiation and non-radiation) sustained by the patient, the tactical situation, and the availability of resources. Radiological diagnostics inform treatment decision-making
- -Guide on-going treatment utilizing radiological diagnostics to assess the effectiveness of treatment, and the need to alter or cease treatment
The dosimeters and devices to assess internal radionuclides must be rapid, accurate, sensitive to multiple levels of radiation, relatively non-invasive, scalable for high throughput and usable in a field-hospital operational environment.
Information gathered in response to the RFI will be used to support the CBMS- Biosurveillance Joint Product Director (CBMS-BSV JPMO) in strategic planning for development of the Next Generation Diagnostics System (NGDS) acquisition strategy. Specifically, information gathered will be reviewed as part of a technology readiness assessment in support of the NGDS Increment 2 acquisition program.
Further details are available under Solicitation Number: W911QY-13-S-0003. The response deadline is March 26, 2013.