The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is soliciting technical expertise to support efforts of the agency’s J3/7 Operations, Readiness, and Exercise Directorate in building capacity at home and abroad to counter chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives (CBRNE) threats.
The contract will specifically support DTRA J3/7 Directorate’s Building Partnership Capacity Department (J3BP), whose mission is to be a force multiplier in countering Weapons of Mass Destruction by improving the collective capabilities and performance of the Department of Defense (DOD) and its partners.
J3BP provides end-to-end capabilities that assist partners in preventing and countering the proliferation of WMD and conventional weapons. J3BP institutionalizes training and concepts of operations, promotes counter WMD awareness, builds international benches of counter WMD professionals, and provides capabilities to partners to improve their safety, security, and accountability of state-controlled stockpiles of conventional weapons and man-portable air defense systems.
Highlighted requirements of the effort include:
WMD training, education, and counter proliferation exercise support |
Counter-CBRNE capability assessments and development efforts with partner nations |
Leverage assets and expertise within STRATCOM SCC-WMD & DTRA with domestic and foreign partners at all levels to prevent the proliferation of WMD |
Develop and sustain secure mediums for the collaboration and exchange of counterproliferation information data and training |
Identify, enhance and foster local, regional, and international counter-CBRNE partnerships |
Tailor counter-CBRNE partner training to increase awareness of potential CBRNE threats within and across borders |
Provide technical support for the continued population, development, and maintenance of DTRA’s counterproliferation databases |
DTRA states this contract effort is a follow-on consisting of a culmination of like requirements from the Cubic CBRNE Exercise Support IDIQ contract, HDTRA1-04-D-0020, as well as the CSC On-Site Inspection Department Support IDIQ contract, HDTRA1-10-D-0002.
Work is to performed at DTRA Headquarters, Ft Belvoir VA with additional on-site presence possibly required at other interagency affiliates such as FBI International Training and Assistance Unit (ITAU), Department of Homeland Security, Federal Bureau of Investigations Headquarters, Department of State, Drug Enforcement Agency, and Department of Energy.
Further details are available under Solicitation Number: J3BP8000.