WHO update: Human infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus | Livestock-to-human MRSA transmission confirmed | CDC working on vaccine, tests for novel H7N9 virus | The newest defense against biological warfare? This cube | Anthrax, monkeypox involved in Army lab mishaps | Researchers make breakthrough in race to create bio-batteries | Bird flu fears: should we trust Beijing this time? | The unique U.S.-Russian relationship in biological science and biotech | Anti-vaccination sentiments spread more easily than pro-vaccination | USDA grant funds diagnostics and lab management training in Turkmenistan | ORNL’s awake imaging device moves diagnostics field forward | New serology test might help solve novel coronavirus puzzles | The wild story behind a promising experimental cancer drug | Show me the money: is grant writing taking over science?
See what we’re reading this week at Global Biodefense on topics like new tests for novel coronavirus and novel H7N9, MRSA transmission from livestock to humans and more…
WHO update: Human infection with influenza A(H7N9) virus (WHO)
Livestock-to-human MRSA transmission confirmed (Food Safety News)
CDC working on vaccine, tests for novel H7N9 virus (CIDRAP)
The newest defense against biological warfare? This cube (PopSci)
Anthrax, monkeypox involved in Army lab mishaps (NTI GSN)
Researchers make breakthrough in race to create bio-batteries (UEA)
Bird flu fears: should we trust Beijing this time? (China File)
The unique U.S.-Russian relationship in biological science and biotech (NAP)
Anti-vaccination sentiments spread more easily than pro-vaccination (Penn State)
USDA grant funds diagnostics and lab management training in Turkmenistan (FAZD)
ORNL’s awake imaging device moves diagnostics field forward (ORNL)
New serology test might help solve novel coronavirus puzzles (CIDRAP)
The wild story behind a promising experimental cancer drug (Forbes)
Show me the money: is grant writing taking over science? (The Guardian)