The United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA), Fort Detrick, MD recently announced intentions to issue a sole source award to Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC for multiple MSD PR2 Model 1800 instruments and corresponding service packages.
The acquisition is on behalf of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). The Field Identification of Biological Warfare Agents (FIBWA) program conducted by USAMRIID provides advanced biological warfare detection training to 52 National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams (WMD-CST) across the U.S and its territories. The CSTs have recently transitioned to the MSD PR2 platform and USAMRIID requires the instruments in order to provide the CSTs with relevant training.
“Successful training of the CSTs and the implementation of the FIBWA program cannot be completed unless USAMRIID has the exact same platform as the CSTs,” states the announcement.
The PR2 Model 1800 has the following characteristics listed as essential to the requirements at USAMRIID: ability to measure multiple agents (toxins, viruses and bacteria) from a single sample, electrochemiluminescence (ECL) signal detection technology, plate based immunoassay system capable of 96-well (9, 16, and 25 spot multiplex plates), detection electronics – cooled CCD camera, plate read time – 7 minutes, dynamic assay range of 10^5 over the spectrum of assays, temperature operational range 15-30 C minimum, and a system foot print of less than 18 x 18 inches.