Small high-technology firms are encouraged to submit proposals to the Department of Defense for R&D projects with both military and commercial applications via the 2014.3 Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Solicitation.
Four DoD Components will participate in the 2014.3 Solicitation: The Department of the Army, The Department of the Navy, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), and U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM).
Small firms apply first for a six-month phase I award of $70,000 to $150,000 to test the scientific, technical, and commercial merit of a particular concept. If Phase I proves successful, the firm may apply for a two-year Phase II award of $500,000 to $1,000,000 to further develop the concept.
Topics for consideration under SBIR 2014.3 include:
- Post-detonation Debris Analysis for the Advancement of the Nuclear Forensics Timeline
- Smart Materials to Indicate Personnel Presence in Proximity to Containers
- Production of Chemical Reagents for Prompt-Agent-Defeat Weapons
- Plume Diagnostics/Source Term Development for C-WMD Agent Defeat Testing Accuracy
- Novel Munition Technologies to Attack and Defeat Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
- Knowledge Base Population and Reasoning
- Advanced Fast Shutter for Debris Mitigation
- Lithography Cost Reduction for Rad Hard integrated Circuits
- Energy Harvesting for Next Generation Neurotechnology
- Next Generation Plasma Modeling Tools
- Mobile Cloud Analytic Environment
- High Performance, Integrated Transistors for On-Chip Power Supplies
- Robust Coordination under Extreme Uncertainty
- Next Generation Tactical Wearable Night Vision
- Human-Centered Mission Command Metrics for the Tactical Computing Environment
- Validated Mathematical Model of Spatial Orientation (SO)
- Quantitative Infrared (IR) Thermal Image Comparison Software Tool
- Identification and Optimization of Advanced Wireless Textiles
- A Sensor System for Precise, Automated Position-keeping for Ocean Going Vessels
- Replacement Nose Fairing Material
- Advanced Textile Manufacturing Utilizing 3D Printing
The 2014.3 SBIR Solicitation will open for receipt of proposals on September 22, 2014 and will close at 6:00 A.M. ET on October 22, 2014. Further details are available under Solicitation Number: DoDSBIR14_3 and at the DoD SBIR/STTR web portal.