An industry day will be hosted in Stafford, Virginia on January 26, 2016 in support of the Department of Defense Joint General Purpose Decontaminant for Hardened Military Equipment (JGPD-HME) acquisition effort.
The JGPD-HME system will provide thorough decontamination capabilities for tactical vehicles, shipboard surfaces, crew-served weapons and individual weapons exposed to chemical and biological (CB) agent contamination.
The JGPD-HME will be applied directly to equipment surfaces via mops and brushes and fielded decontamination applicators such as the M26 Joint Service Transportable Decontamination System Small-Scale (JSTDS-SS) and M12A1 Power Driven Decontamination Apparatus.
The product must be capable of neutralizing CB contamination within 30 minutes of application.
The industry day will allow program officials from the Joint Project Manager for Protection (JPM P) office to brief industry and field questions on the draft Request for Proposals (W911QY16R0001) for the JGPD-HME acquisition contracting effort.
Advance registration is required.