The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) has announced intentions to award a sole source contract to the Science & Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) for tasks in Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine and Uzbekistan under the Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) Program.
The STCU has a uniqueness as the only registered, USG-funded International Organization with VAT-exempt, Customs Duty-exempt status in Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan with a CTR-specific mission.
DTRA also intends to issue a sole source Basic Ordering Agreement to the International Science & Technology Center (ISTC) for tasks in Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Georgia under the CTR Program.
The ISTC is the only registered, USG-funded International Organization with VAT-exempt, Customs Duty-exempt status in Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Georgia with a CTR-specific mission.
Both the STCU and ISTC were established by the U.S. Government and other governing parties to address the global security threat of the proliferation of WMD-applicable chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) knowledge and materials.
The effort supports the integration of scientists with WMD applicable knowledge into global scientific and economic communities through national, regional, and international research collaborations; and develop and sustain a culture of nonproliferation and CBRN security awareness and responsibility.
The estimated ceiling for each Basic Ordering Agreement is $10,000,000.