The U.S. Army is conducting market research on services to help the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Activity (CMA) to meet its assigned treaty and arms control missions under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC).
CMA has responsibilities for execution of all treaty and arms control missions. These include the Army Implementing Agent for the CWC; and implementation and compliance responsibilities for all CMA organizations, installations and equities subject to the CWC, Open Skies, and other arms control treaties.
The objective for this contract is to provide technical, management, administrative, and oversight support for treaty compliance activities at the Center for Treaty Implementation and Compliance (CTIC), destruction facilities and field offices, including:
- Prototype Detonation Test and Destruction Facility (PDTDF)
- Recovered Chemical Weapons Destruction Facility (RCWDF)
- Chemical Transfer Facility (CTF)
- Munitions Assessment and Processing System (MAPS)
- Destruction Pilot Plant (PCAPP)
- PCAPP Explosive Destruction System (EDS)
- Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant (BGCAPP)
- BGCAPP Static Detonation Chamber (SDC)
Additional requirements are detailed in Solicitation Number: W911SR-18-R-TREY.