The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is conducting market research to determine the availability and potential technical capability of the business community to manage the collection of data on doses to members of the public exposed to patients treated with Iodine-131.
Radioactive iodine, mainly the isotope Iodine-131, is used in the diagnosis and treatment of several medical conditions, the primary ones in the present context being treatment of hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer following thyroidectomy.
Treatment protocols for these conditions generally call for administration of relatively large doses of Iodine-131, and such patients therefore pose the greatest potential for exposure of others.
Patients are often released from the hospital following treatment if they meet NRC regulations, with the basic criterion for release being that “the total effective dose equivalent to any other individual from exposure to the released individual is not likely to exceed 5 mSv (0.5 rem).”
Potential sources would be required to execute the following activities: Measure External Doses to Selected Members of the Public; Measure Internal Doses to Selected Members of the Public; Time and Motion Study; Analysis of Data and Final Report; and Technical Support.
The government is only seeking information on source capabilities at this time and has not issued a formal request for proposals. Further details are available under Solicitation Number: RES-13-092. The response deadline is April 16, 2013.