Australia’s University of New South Wales (UNSW) is offering a Bioterrorism and Health Intelligence course 28 November – 2 December 2016. Both in-person workshops and distance learning options are available.
This course is designed for stakeholders from any sector involved in BT response, who wish to gain a better understanding of bioterrorism in the modern age, and to gain insight into diverse perspectives into prevention, mitigation and response. Students will have an intensive, interactive experience, which will include exposure to the perspectives of different sectors in biosecurity.
Bioterrorism and Health Intelligence will provide a grounding in human health aspects of bioterrorism and response, for first-responders, analysts or policy makers from health, emergency management, law enforcement, military or other relevant backgrounds.
This course aims to not only teach the latest concepts in bioterrorism, but will enhance the ability of participants to engage more effectively with other sectors in emergency response.
An overview of bioterrorism past, present and future scenarios will be covered. Case studies in risk analysis, risk mitigation, prevention and response will be studied, including engineered transmissible H5N1 avian influenza; distinguishing natural from unnatural epidemics, surveillance tools, rapid intelligence and analysis methods.