Experts from Battelle will now provide on-site support at U.S. Central Command (CENTOM) headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fl., helping in their critical mission to Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction and to mitigate Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) threats in the Middle East.
Battelle recently was awarded a $6 million, three-year contract to provide these Countering-WMD Defense services. The work includes WMD analysis; technical and administrative support to integrate and synchronize nonproliferation, counter proliferation and consequence management activities involving policy, doctrine, planning, intelligence, strategy, exercises, operations and host nation readiness-related issues.
“For the past several decades, Battelle has helped government agencies and industries solve some of their most complex CBRNE defense challenges,” said Matt Shaw, general manager of Battelle’s CBRNE business. “We are proud that our clients recognize our deep-rooted expertise and want to take full advantage of this reservoir of knowledge.”
Battelle is headquartered in Columbus, Ohio and provides expert services in national security, health and life sciences, and energy and environmental industries. Battelle introduced the Resource Effective BioIdentification System (REBS) in early 2014, a next-generation biodefense sensor system. The organization also recently announced an Integrated Solution for Incident Response, and a government contract award for comprehensive Study of Forensic DNA Tools.
Battelle is an official sponsor of Global Biodefense.